Date | Speed | City | County | State |
9:45 A | jerico springs | cedar | MO | |
estimated greater than 60 mph wind gusts were observed in jerico springs. tree limbs were downed around the area. (sgf) | ||||
9:21 A | lamar | barton | MO | |
a few limbs down around the lamar area. (sgf) | ||||
9:10 A | powell | mcdonald | MO | |
the powell coop observer relayed to the national weather service that severe thunderstorm wind gusts downed seven large limbs in a campsite near the community of powell (sgf) | ||||
9:07 A | duenweg | jasper | MO | |
severe thunderstorm wind gusts knocked out two power poles in duenweg. (sgf) |
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